

About UCDA: Principles

“From richness in objects to richness in communication”

– we are now trying to pose a new concept to the world, which we call “Universal Communication Design”. We find ourselves in a society surrounded by too much information. While we have gained convenience and speed through media diversification, on the other hand the information we must put in view, must read, and must understand has overwhelmingly expanded. In particular, important notifications and contracts related to consumers’ lives and property, unending varieties of forms that assist day-to-day business, expressions that are difficult to understand, and information difficult to comprehend are all abundant. The thought has taken root that we should develop products easy for all kinds of consumer to use via Universal Design, beginning with Japan’s excellent industrial products, in public facilities, and in the home. Also, with respect to cell phones, personal computers, and other information appliances, the introduction of a development process called “human centered design” is gaining ground. By embracing this “Universal Design” vision in the information communication field as well, should we not naturally be able to deliver “easy to look at, easy to understand, and viral” communications? We call this vision “Universal Communication Design”, and we work to disseminate it and educate the public about it. We aim to build a society with well-established relationships of mutual trust through communication design with high transmission efficiency, which removes barriers between information senders and receivers. Various challenges exist in delivering “information easy for consumers to understand”. We would like to deepen our research through wide participation and buy-in from consumers, academics, and information senders and receivers.

We are confident that Universal Communication Design developed through the accumulated knowledge of industry, academia, and consumers will go some length toward improving our quality of life.

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